How does the insurance policy limits of a negligent party impact the potential recovery of an injury victim in Florida?

Insurance Adjuster

In Florida, if you are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence and you file a personal injury claim, the insurance policy limits of the negligent party can impact the potential recovery of damages that you may be able to obtain.

If the negligent party has liability insurance, the insurance policy will typically have limits on the amount of coverage that is available to pay for damages resulting from a covered accident. These limits may be expressed as a specific dollar amount or as a combination of different types of coverage, such as a certain amount of coverage for bodily injury per person and a certain amount of coverage for property damage per accident.

If the damages you incur as a result of the accident exceed the limits of the negligent party’s insurance policy, you may still be able to recover additional damages, but you will have to pursue those damages directly from the negligent party rather than through the insurance policy. This can be more difficult, as the negligent party may not have the financial resources to pay for damages in excess of the policy limits.

It is important to note that Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to car insurance, which means that each driver’s own car insurance policy will typically cover their own medical expenses and lost wages, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. However, if the damages you incur as a result of the accident are significant, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party in order to seek additional compensation for your injuries and other damages.

If you have a question about how the policy limits of an insurance policy will affect your case, call your trusted Fort Lauderdale accident attorney at 1-833-DARFOOR.