What does the PIP Legislation mean for Florida vehicle owners? – Darfoor Law Skip to content

What does the PIP Legislation mean for Florida vehicle owners?

This year Florida legislation passed bills HB 719 and SB 54, known as PIP (personal injury protection) repeal bills. These bills would eliminate that Florida’s current law requiring a mandatory $10,000 in PIP coverage for motorists. It would also set minimum bodily injury coverage at $25,000 for the injury or death of one person and $50,000 for injuries or deaths of two or more people. These bills would also require auto insurers to offer at least $5,000 in what is known as medical payments coverage; however, motorists would not have to buy it. The passing of these bills means that if no court overturns the law, these changes will go into effect on January 1, 2022.

The overall aim of this bill was to attempt to fix Florida’s no-fault system because Florida leads in auto fraud and the highest auto insurance premiums. Another objective was to try to limit the litigation by no longer allowing lawsuits for soft tissue injuries.  However, the bill does come without consequences, such as Floridians opting to go uninsured. There is also concern that the legislation could result in lower-income residents being forced to pay more for insurance. There is also a chance that those who already have more coverage may see decreases in premiums.

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